This time of year; is when a lot of people look at the year ahead and set their goals and objectives, for others it is ongoing or during the year. If so, this article may be of help in helping you to achieve your objectives.
If you are part of a business, this is generally achieved by looking at the strategic objectives and planning who will do which tasks. Monthly meetings for example are used to review the goals and objectives, and managers are accountable for reporting on their specific objectives. Senior management will analyse the information and then decide to stay on course or make any necessary adjustments.
For those who work by themselves or with personal goals, the advice would be to have someone that you can discuss them with, state your deadlines, and schedule regular check-ins. They don’t need to have a lot of detail about your business just simply whether you made any progress or not. Sometimes we find ourselves making excuses as to why we didn’t get to work on our goals or have made any progress. You need to be clear whether that is exactly what they are excuses or genuine reasons for not achieving what we have set out to do.
Building Blocks
It is important to have the correct systems in place as these will drive progress and without them, our chances of success are reduced. Depending again on whether you are aiming for business or personal success, the systems could be resources, procedures, clarity of roles and responsibilities, time, mindset, etc. Ensure that the goal or objective isn’t too vague, be as specific as possible, and break them down into smaller blocks of tasks.
The Progress Principle suggests that progress no matter how small is very important and can aid in motivation which in turn leads to better productivity. Also, ensure that blocks of time are scheduled to work on the essential priorities.
Consistency is key, sometimes when we are working on something new, we are motivated for the first few weeks and then it wanes. Without this block being supported by A and B we may find ourselves going off on a tangent. Time management will be important to make sure again you prioritise your schedules this includes energy management, some people are energised first thing in the morning so it is the best time to work on your priorities, while others later in the day suits them better.
The Inversion Technique is where you think about what not to do and are aware of what makes you less productive so that you can be aware of the pitfalls. Keep focusing on your critical path to success.
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